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Günter Wolfsberger :
Fountain in the Danube University Krems-Stein

Krems-Stein, 2000
Dr.-Karl-Dorrekt-Straße 30, 3500 Krems an der Donau


The fountain in the entrance area of the Donau-Universität is also a hydro-pneumatic object. 13 stainless steel cones in the steel basin are linked to the cellar via an air pump. Movement sensors triggered off by passers-by set-off the pumps that move the steel cones, to which blue fishing rods have been attached.

In the lobby area of the Danube University Krems the artist has installed a hydropneumatic object. A steel fountain measuring 2.5 m can accommodate 15 stainless steel cones. Each one is loosely attached and covers over an air supply. A movement sensor works with an air pump located in the basement. At completely irregular intervals it makes the individual funnels swim to the surface. After giving off air bubbles they sink to the ground again. This movement is intensified by means of fishing poles, and the water has been dyed with ultramarine blue pigment. Funnels and fishing poles are tools that have to do with water. In the object they are used to illustrate motion. The observation of water is generally viewed as relaxing, a non-regulated stream or waves near the shore are associated with leisure time activities. If one moves a few meters away from the fountain, water and fishing poles come to rest before the next passer-by once again triggers off the spatially expansive movement of the tentacles.
(Günter Wolfsberger)