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Linda Bilda

* 1963 in Vienna; † 2019 ibidem. Linda Bilda was a comic artist (Keep it Real, Die goldene Welt), a painter, and a sculptor whose work revolves around socio-political and feminist issues. In 2011, she received the Outstanding Artist Award from the Austrian BMUKK (Federal Ministry of Education, Art, and Culture). In 2009, her work was featured in the exhibition “Zukunft und Ende der goldenen Welt” (Future and End of the Golden World) in the Kunstverein Salzburg. Since then, she had taken part in exhibitions in the Galerie Senn in Vienna, the Künstlerhaus Vienna, the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York (2011), the Center of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki, and the Museum des 21. Jahrhunderts in Vienna (2012).